Division of Property

How Does it Work?

Marital property in community property states, like Arizona, are owned by both spouses equally. This marital property includes earnings, retirement, savings, and all property bought with those earnings, as well as all debts accrued during the marriage.

Marital property can include: your residence, your vacation home, retirement accounts, banking accounts, deferred compensation accounts, cars, boats, motorcycles, jewelry, club memberships, and any other real estate or personal property obtained during the marriage.


Will I Be Treated Fairly?

While the goal of dividing community property in Arizona is to split that property and debt evenly (50/50), this is not always possible. There will be certain assets that will be virtually impossible to split evenly. For this reason, the court assesses the couple’s community property as a whole and divides the net worth between the spouses.

Schedule A Free Consultation

Robert J Moon is experienced in family law, and highly qualified to advise you in family law matters.